The original function of the building, history, changes
This very simple construction is situated between the Grand Terrace and Lake Palić, on the central promenade leading from the Water Tower at the spa entrance through the Grand Terrace to the lake shore. Despite being one hundred years old, the building has maintained its original form and function. Musicians used to give concerts here every morning and afternoon for the promenaders’ merriment. Famous musicians from Subotica often played here, likewise others from the whole Monarchy, making the lakeside stroll more joyful. The Music Pavilion is part of the Art Nouveau route, its inclusion in the ‘Art Nouveau European Route’ is underway.
Description and qualities of the building
The Music Pavilion was built in 1910 as part of the monumental building complex of Palić, together with the Grand Terrace, Water Tower and Women’s Lido. Unfortunately, no music can be heard nowadays from the octagonal Music Pavilion where famous musicians gave concerts in the past.
Duránci,Béla, A Vajdasági épitészeti szecesszió, Újvidék 1983, 72–78.
Martinović Cvijin,Kata, Subotički opus Komora i Jakaba,Subotica 1988,61,62.
MZZSK Subotica, Zaštitar, zbornik zašite nepoktretnih kulturnih dobara, Subotica 2006., 137,138.
Prcić Vujnović Gordana, Velika izgradnja Palica 1902-1912. Rukovet br 4–5–6/1998, Subotica, 1998, 46–57.
Secesija u Subotici – Szecesszió Szabadkán (urednik: Krstić, Boško) Subotica – Budapest, 2002, 65–67