Blue Vases

Az épület neve: Blue Vases
Város, cím: In front of Hotel Jezero and Hotel Park Heroes’ Park Subotica, Palić,
GPS adatok: É 46.0985, K 19.7591
Épült: 1910
Stílusjegyek: Hungarian Art Nouveau
Tervező: Ohman Fridrich (1858– 1927) and Josef Hakhofer (1863– 1927), Austrian architects.
Építtető: Miklós Zsolnay, the owner of the Pécs Zsolnay Factory, when visited Subotica and Palić, presented two blue vases for the Palić Park
Kivitelező: Both vases were manufactured in the Zsolnay Factory.
Műemléki besorolás: They are protected monuments.

History of the vases

Fridrich Ohman designed all details of the vases between 1898 and 1903 for the Vienna City Park. The Zsolnay vases from Pécs were park decorations placed in niches. Altogether six 183 cm-high vases were displayed in the park. Several replicas were made in the factory, this is how two of them could get to Palić in 1910.


The Palić vases are not individual works of art, there were two more in Pécs, and six similar ones could be found in Vienna, nevertheless, none of them has survived. Even the Palić vases had broken, but they were restored and are in a good condition today. The vase in front of the Hotel Jezero was broken in the 1980s, but it was successfully restored in the Subotica Museum. The other one was damaged in 1992, breaking vertically into two pieces. Later it was fixed and restored, and put back in its old place. These harmonious vases enrich the Art Nouveau unity of Palić, consequently, the Art Nouveau route as well. Together with the buildings, they are also awaiting for the inclusion in the ‘Art Nouveau European Route’.

Description and qualities of the objekt

The huge blue vases in the park, decorated with stylized Art Nouveau ornaments and a gargoyle figure forming a face, were originally planned into the central park of Vienna. Those vases have already disappeared but these ones have still remained.


Mr Aladzić Viktorija, Stogodisnjica plavih vaza, Secesija u Subotici – Szecesszió Szabadkán (urednik: Krstić, Boško) Subotica – Budapest, 2002 151.

Duranci Bela, Gabrić Počuča Vera, Javni spomenici opštine Subotica, Subotica, 2001, 62,63.

Prcić Vujnović Gordana, Velika izgradnja Palića 1902– 1912. Rukovet

br 4– 5-6/1998, Subotica, 1998, 46– 57.