Memorial Fountain

Az épület neve: Memorial Fountain
Város, cím: Heroes’ Park, Subotica-Palić
GPS adatok: É 46.0978, K 19.7584
Épült: 1912
Stílusjegyek: The Hungarian version of the Art Nouveau
Tervező: Marcell Komor (1868– 1944) and Dezső Jakab (1864– 1932)
Építtető: The construction was financed by the town.
Kivitelező: The builder was the stone mason workshop of the Subotica Marbel Industy Inc.
Műemléki besorolás: It is a protected monument.

History of the objekt


This fountain was erected in 1912 to commemorate the event of the accomplishment of the Palić spa complex. Dezső Kosztolányi’s verses especially highlighted and elevated the opening, which were later carved in the marble of the fountain. Between the two World Wars, the inscription was turned into a text related to Palić’s history. Currently, the inscription is carved into the stone in three scripts: Cyrillic, Latin and Hungarian. The fountain was moved to the square in front of the Women’s Lido in the 1920s, and was replaced by the ‘Wings‘ sculpture by Ana Bešlić. Then in 1981, the fountain was moved back to its original site, new water pipes were laid under it and its minor flaws were restored. The overall restoration of the fountain took place in 1995 with the contribution of the sculptor, Vera Gabrić Počuča. This harmonious and charming fountain is part of the building complex in Palić, which altogether is part of the Art Nouveau route. Its inclusion in the ‘Art Nouveau European Route’ is underway together with other Palić buildings.

Description and qualities of the object

The Memorial Fountain at the end of the promenade was built on a triple plinth, which is decorated with sculptures of catfish, mallard and coot, and with a figure of a daydreaming girl. With its characteristic Art Nouveau motifs, the Memorial Fountain has always been an attractive spectacle since its erection.


Duránci Béla, A Vajdasági épitészeti szecesszió, Újvidék 1983, 72– 78.

Gabric Počuča Vera, Acimovic Luka, Spomen cesma na Palicu, Glasnik Drustva konzervatora Srbije 20, Beograd, 1996, str.192– 193.

Martinović Cvijin,Kata, Subotički opus Komora i Jakaba,Subotica 1988,67,68.

MZZSK Subotica, Zaštitar, zbornik zašite nepoktretnih kulturnih dobara, Subotica 2006, 141 .

Prcić Vujnović Gordana, Velika izgradnja Palica 1902– 1912. Rukovet br 4-5-6/1998, Subotica, 1998, 46– 57.

Secesija u Subotici – Szecesszió Szabadkán (urednik: Krstić, Boško) Subotica – Budapest, 2002, 74,75.