Austro-hungarian bank

Az épület neve: Austro-hungarian bank
Város, cím: 15 Dimitrija Tucovića Street, Subotica
GPS adatok: É 46.1017, K 19.6620
Épült: 1901
Stílusjegyek: The Hungarian version of the Art Nouveauwith elements of Viennese Art Nouveau
Tervező: Ferenc Raichl (or Raichle) J. (1869–1960)
Építtető: Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Kivitelező: Austro-hungarian bank
Műemléki besorolás: It is listed as a building of particular value of the city centre with local historic importance.

The original function of the building


During the negotiations between Austria and Hungary in 1867 when dual Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was formed, the question of the central bank was not touched to prevent further complications. In 1878, after years of prolonged negotiations, the central bank was successfully transformed into an institute in which Austria and Hungary had an equal share. The „Austro-Hungarian Bank” acted as a central bank for both parts of the Empire. The dualistic character of the institute was characterized by two managements and two head offices in Vienna and Budapest. During first decade of 20th century it was built few dozens of bank buildings in Hungary and the most important: the central Austro-Hungarian Bank building in Budapest on Szabadság tér 8. Bank building in Budapest was built according to the design made by Ignác Alpár who won the competition. Most of the other bank buildings built throughout Hungary were designed by architect József Hubert, but Austro-Hungarian bank building in Subotica was designed by architect Ferenc József Raichl in 1901. Main topic of this paper is research of architecture of Austro-Hungarian Bank Building in Subotica. It is obvious, although smaller in size, that the building was designed according to the main concept of the central bank building in Budapest. Compositions of the both facade applied similar architectural elements, like pillars, projections, attics, plinth and also decorative elements that symbolizes the function of a building. Inner organization of space also corresponds to each other, in both buildings: beside offices there were several apartments for renting. In contrast to other bank buildings in Hungary designed by József Hubert, bank building in Subotica, although made according to the concept of Central Bank building in Budapest represents remarkable and unique architectural masterpiece including all: architectural composition, decorative elements and function of a building

Description and qualities of the building

The Austro-Hungarian Bank project in Subotica was hired by Ferenc Reichl, an architect from Subotica at that time. In Subotica, Rajhl designed a number of buildings, such as the Grammar School building, ground floor tenement houses on Vase Stajić Street, several tenement palaces and the famous Reich Palace, his home. The Austro-Hungarian Bank building in Subotica also flirted with the Atr Nouveau of Vienna Atr Nouveau with its facade.


Dokumentacija Međuopštinskog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika kulture u Subotici.
Aladžić, Viktorija (2010): Razvoj koncepta unutrašnjeg grada Subotice u XVIII i XIX veku, Arhitektura i urbanizam, Beograd: Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, str. 22–29.
Aladžić, Viktorija (2012): Zgrada Austrougarske banke, naučni rad, Subotica